Milkyway Wide Field

20 Shots As Light Frames
Reg and Calibration For Each frames with Nebulosity
Stacking All FITS frames with DSS
Star Reductin,FFT filter,Kernel Filter with MaxLM DL Pro6
Color adjustment (Thershold & Black point) Photoshop
Contrast and Sharpness with Color Effex Pro
Title Milkyway Wide Field
Hit 1600
Photographer Pendar AkbariPendar Akbari
Location کویر حلوان طبس
Camera Sony A6300
Lens Sigma 50mm Art
Lens Aperture 2.8
F 1.4
Exposure 20
ISO 1600
Photography Techniques استکینگ(هم پوشانی)
Accessories اسکای ترکر پولاری ویکسن
Date of photography 29/03/2020

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