Broken Shadows (IRIS Nebula)

Silver stars in my black night
Cold as ice but beautiful
Wandering through broken shadows
The river of life is filled with sins
The water I drink is blood on my hands

Lyrics: Xandria - Blood on My Hands

Iris Nebula
NGC 7023 & LDN 1174

RGB: (25×25×15) × 4 minutes @gain 150
Title Broken Shadows (IRIS Nebula)
Hit 2800
Photographer رضا حکیمیرضا حکیمی
Location روستای نشل
Camera ZWO ASI 1600mm-c
Lens Aperture 4
Telescope Quattro 10 CF
F 1000
Exposure 4.3 Hours
Filter Astronomik RGB 1.25
Photography Techniques C-RGB
Accessories ZWO 120mm for autoguiding

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