From Rosette To Cone nebula

In this wide view, you chould see the Rosette nebula in the top -right corner and the Christmas Tree cluster in the left side.

Canon 200mm L f/2.8 @ f/4
Canon EOS 6D Modded
Mount: Sky-Watcher NEQ6
60*5min for total 300min (5Hours) ISO 1600

Software:    PixInsight  ,Photoshop

Contains:  Cone nebula, Christmas Tree cluster, NGC 2264, NGC 2252, NGC 2251, IC 448, NGC 2244, IC 2169, Rosette nebula, NGC 2239, The star 17Mon, The star 16Mon, The star 15Mon, The star 13Mon, The star 12Mon, The star εMon

Location:Iran, Isfahan


Title From Rosette To Cone nebula
Hit 2714
Camera 6d
ISO 1600

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