2019 October 10
On September 24, a late evening commercial flight from
Singapore to Australia offered stratospheric views of the
southern hemisphere's night sky, if you
chose a window seat.
In fact, a well-planned seating choice with a window facing
toward the Milky Way allowed the set up of a sensitive digital camera
on a tripod mount to record the
galaxy's central bulge
in a series of 10 second long exposures.
By chance, one of
the exposures
caught this
bright fireball meteor in the starry frame.
Reflected along the wing of the A380 aircraft, the brilliant greenish
streak is also internally reflected in the double layer window,
producing a fainter parallel to the original meteor track.
In the southern sky Jupiter is the bright source beneath
the galactic bulge and seen next to a green beacon,
just off the wing tip.