

Windblown NGC 3199

2021 May 6

The Pencil Nebula Supernova Shock Wave

Along the Western Veil

Delicate in appearance, these filaments of shocked, glowing gas, are draped across planet Earth's sky toward the constellation of Cygnus.

The Iris Nebula in a Field of Dust

These cosmic dust clouds drift some 1,300 light-years away along the fertile starfields of the constellation Cepheus.

Chamaeleon II Dark Cloud

A small constellation hiding near the south celestial pole, The Chamaeleon boasts no bright stars.

Lightning over the Volcano of Water

Have you ever watched a lightning storm in awe?

The Cave Nebula in Infrared from Spitzer

What's happening in and around the Cave Nebula?

Lynds Dark Nebula 1251

Stars are forming in Lynds Dark Nebula (LDN) 1251.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: The Tarantula Nebula

The Tarantula Nebula, also known as 30 Doradus, is more than a thousand light-years in diameter, a giant star forming region within nearby satellite galaxy the Large Magellanic Cloud.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: R Leporis: A Vampire's Star

Better known as Hind's Crimson Star, R Leporis is a rare star in planet Earth's night sky. It's also a shocking shade of red.
