The Pelican Nebula in Gas, Dust, and Stars
The Pelican Nebula is slowly being transformed.
NGC 2170: Angel Nebula Still Life
Is this a painting or a photograph?
M82: Galaxy with a Supergalactic Wind
Why is the Cigar Galaxy billowing red smoke?
Anticrepuscular Rays Converge Opposite the Sun
Is there ever anything interesting to see in the direction opposite the Sun?
The Cave Nebula in Infrared from Spitzer
What's happening in and around the Cave Nebula?
Astronomy Picture of the Day: M43: Orion Falls
Is there a waterfall in Orion? No, but some of the dust in M43 appears similar to a waterfall on Earth.
Astronomy Picture of the Day: The NGC 6914 Complex
A study in contrasts, this colorful skyscape features stars, dust, and glowing gas in the vicinity of NGC 6914.
Astronomy Picture of the Day: Dark Nebulas across Taurus
Sometimes even the dark dust of interstellar space has a serene beauty.
Astronomy Picture of the Day: Pillars of the Eagle Nebula in Infrared
Newborn stars are forming in the Eagle Nebula. Gravitationally contracting in pillars of dense gas and dust, the intense radiation of these newly-formed bright stars is causing surrounding material to boil away.
Astronomy Picture of the Day: In the Heart of the Tarantula Nebula
In the heart of monstrous Tarantula Nebula lies huge bubbles of energetic gas, long filaments of dark dust, and unusually massive stars.