Stargazer and Milky Way

With the arrival of summer, the best time has come to see the starry area of the Milky Way. This region, which is toward the center of the Milky Way, between the constellation of Scorpio and Sagittarius in the southern of the night sky, is more visible these days than on any other day of the year.
با آمدن فصل تابستان ، بهترین زمان بر رویت ناحیه پر ستاره راه شیری فراهم آمده است. این ناحیه که به سمت مرکز کهکشان راه شیری می باشد، مابین صورت فلکی عقرب و قوس در سوی جنوب آسمان این روزها بیش ازروزهای دیگر سال جلوه می کند.
Title Stargazer and Milky Way
Hit 1708
Photographer Hamed SheikhbahaeeHamed Sheikhbahaee
Location North of Khar Turan National Park, Iran
Camera Nikon D5500
Lens Nikon 35 mm f/1.8
Lens Aperture f/1.8
Telescope -
F 52 mm
Exposure 20 s
Filter -
ISO 800
Photography Techniques Night Sky Photography
Accessories Tripod
Date of photography 7/21/2017

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